General Manager recruited for International Investor and Property Developer who is building multi-million dollar shopping malls and commercial centres in various locations in India.
Location: India Sector: Construction- Commercial Client request: Recruitment of General Manager – Construction Recruitment type: Contingency Recruitment
The Requirement:
Our client was an international investor and property developer who owned and controlled multiple landmark buildings throughout Europe. He was building several multi-million dollar shopping malls and commercial centres in various locations in India. He wanted a General Manager to control the construction activities on these projects who had both the commercial and technical acumen to manage these construction projects.
The Method:
After several meetings with our client it was clear that the position had great potential for the right candidate.
We set on our sights on targeting an ambitious construction professional from a commercial background who had international experience in a senior management position. Ideally we felt that a commercial manager, coming from a strong main contractor background, with large project experience would be the most suited to the role.
KCM selected several candidates from various sources that met these criteria and after initial phone interviews, face to face interviews were held in Dublin with our client. The candidate selected met the exact criteria we suggested and was duly offered and accepted the role.
The Result:
The candidate is still employed by our client in India and the projects are developing as per schedule. As a result of our success in this position we have also provided our client with construction teams on several of the projects under construction.